Greenwood: A PHP Wiki Engine

What is it?

Greenwood is a minimalistic Wiki engine, developed for small to medium informational websites. Examples include home pages, course websites, or general Wiki's. Unlike a general Wiki, pages are immutable by the public. Greenwood is a fork of PhpWiki that has been heavily modified and extended. It is geared toward using file-system storage, and has a Wiki syntax similar to MoinMoin.

Major features:

How do I get it?

First, check that you meet the following requirements:

Using Subversion allows you to update the source code at any time, without re-installing. Since the source code is changing often, Subversion allows fixes to be deployed instantly.

If Greenwood is for you, then use subversion to checkout a local copy:

svn co

If you wish to update your source code, use the subversion update command:

svn up .
Alternatively, you may choose which parts to update. See the subversion documentation for more.

To get started, you will need to modify the file lib/config.php. Here you may change the site name, file-system settings, localization settings, navigation settings, and more. Directions are provided in the file in the form of comments, so this process should be straightforward.

Once you have a working copy of the files on your webserver, you'll need to change the permissions to meet the requirements of your webserver.

Next, you will need to set up the lib/users.php file to allow at least one authorized user. As before, instructions are provided as comments in the file on how to proceed.


Following is a list of limitations at the time of this writing. I only have so much development time, so if you would like to help out, please let me know.

Detailed Features

Sites Running Greenwood

e-mail me, and I'd be happy to post your address here.

© Ryan Helinski, hosted by